Comparison of breast thermal images before (left) and after (right) treatment; note change in lymphatic congestion in circled area.
This 54 year old client had no breast complaints, and was post menopausal. Her initial breast series included the thermal image at left, which includes an assymetrical vascularity in the left breast, circled. The thermal findings associated with this vascularity contributed to a left breast rating of TH 4.
Because the client was already working with an acupuncturist and suspected lymphatic congestion, she asked her acupuncturist to focus on clearing the left breast. The thermal image at right resulted 5 months later.
Based on observation, lymphatic congestion appears to be the most common risk factor in women's breasts. And particularly the left breast, probably because most of us are right-handed and don't move the left side (muscles or lymphatics) as much as the right side, and because the lymphatics can drain more to the left side.