A pain-free, SEMI-PRIVATE, NON-invasive with no radiation approach to breast screening-this study is for women only
Baseline breast image Every woman has a unique thermal heat pattern - it is as unique as a fingerprint. The first scan provides the baseline of your unique "thermal signature". Because thermal imaging looks for change over time, it is essential that a stable baseline be established within a 3-4 month period following the first scan. This subsequent session assures that the thermal patterns remain unchanged. Once a stable baseline is established, it will be used for comparisons to all future scans so that the most subtle of tissue changes can be identified.
Routine breast image Thermal imaging is a non invasive, no radiation method of breast screening and is safe for all women. It is recommended for women to begin annual thermal imaging in their 20's especially if there is a family history of breast cancer. With recent statistics indicating that 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer during their lifetime, early detection is critical.
Urgent breast image As we all know, early detection is critical and can make the difference between a complete recovery and a shortened lifetime. If you have a breast concern and need urgent screening, we will make you a priority. Please let us know when making your appointment and we will schedule you as soon as possible.
Did you know that most diseased cells have been growing eight to ten years before they are detected in a mammogram, and because of that treatment options usually involve surgery, radiation and chemotherapy with drugs toxic to the rest of the body. With truly early detection, gentler and more natural means of re-balancing the body may be used and may actually prevent a tumor from becoming established. Tumors can began their growth in your twenties, thirties and early forties, a time when mammography screening is not effective because of the density of breast tissue. Beginning thermographic screening at an early age is recommended.
Breast Thermography, using Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI) is a painless, non-invasive state-of-the-art clinical test that gives women of all ages the opportunity to increase their chances of detecting breast disease at a very early stage. With Breast Thermography, there is no compression of the breast, and absolutely no exposure to radiation or any other harmful substance. Thermography is a simple test of the physiology of the breast (the way cells function). A Breast Study cost is $187.00
Women deserve earlier detection, and this is it. Thermography can see the blood supply that feeds a tumor in its infancy, and the only way to detect it in that stage is to establish a thermographic baseline and monitor every year for the real early signs! Thermography can totally change a person’s health history in advance.
It is important to remember that no test is 100% accurate and in the presence of abnormal changes in the breast, no one test should be used as the sole basis to make treatment decisions.
Please use the 'Contact Us' tab to email or call 507-626-4823 to schedule your appointment today