Heart disease is the number ONE killer of men and women in America.
MMTI is now offering Cardiac Health Screenings to help detect early signs of heart attack and stroke. Thermography is a clinically valuable application as an early-warning indicator of heart disease. A thermographic image clearly shows areas of diminished energy and blood flow in patients with atherosclerosis.
The body should be symmetrical; when there are irregularities in thermal patterns Medical Doctors compare the differences in heat emission and circulatory quality on one side of the body against the other. When we see disturbances or deviations in these normal heat patterns we know something is in dis-order. When there is a restriction of an artery, 90% of the time it is due to atherosclerosis.
Thermography enables us to see the progressive deterioration of the flow of infrared energy along the course of a narrowed artery. Objective studies as early as the 1970’s showed that, of existing technologies, thermography is the most sensitive (98%) and accurate (96%) noninvasive indicator of heart disease.